If you are looking for inspiration to keep the kids busy, we have the answer! From fantastic beasties to a Samurai-inspired helmet, the National Museum of Ireland have an amazing array of craft projects with how-to videos to inspire kids to get creative!
Craft Projects with How-to Videos
Each of these craft projects are perfect for some off-screen time. They can all be done easily at home with a few materials you’ll probably have at hand, so they are low cost too.
So save those cereal boxes, old cards and magazines, have your glue and scissors to hand and you are ready to get creative!
Fantastic Beasties and How to Make Them
Materials needed to make your own Fantastical Beasties:
- Pencil
- Paper
- Skewer/lollipop stick
- Self drying clay
- Cup of water
- Paint
- Ribbon/string
- Rolling pin
Make Your Own Fairy Door
Materials needed to make your own Fairy Door:
- Lollipop sticks
- Scissors
- Wood glue/PVA
- Buttons
- Pencil
- Paint & brushes
- Pliers
Optional extras to enhance your fairy door include pre-coloured lollipop sticks, plastic jewels, flowers, material trimmings, coffee stirrers and any decorations the fairies might like!
Summer Sun Discs
Materials needed to make your Summer Sun Discs:
- Paper plate
- Straw or stick
- Pencil
- Watch
- Scissors
- Plasticine
Download the worksheet with measurements and design ideas.
How to Make Crafty Camouflage
Materials needed to make your own Crafty Camouflage “Wings of Disguise”:
- Big piece of card for wing base (or old pillowcase)
- Glue stick or PVA craft glue
- Scissors
- Marker
- Wool, string, or ribbon
- Some items from nature such as leaves and sticks…Or different paper, newspaper, scrap packaging, tissue
- And paints (optional)
Make Your Own Musical Panpipes
Materials needed to make your own Musical Panpipes:
- 5 straws
- White/Blu tack or plasticine
- Sellotape
- Scissors
- Ruler
How to Make a Cut-Out Stop Motion Animation
Materials needed to make your own Cut-out Stop Motion Animation:
- Paper
- Card
- Pencils
- Scissors
- Blu tack
- Glue
- Cotton wool
- Phone
- Stop Motion app
For decoration you could use: googly eyes, foil, material, feathers or other materials you like.
How to Make Your Own Paper Roll Animation
Materials needed for your own Paper Roll Animation inspired by the extraordinary Stokes Tapestry:
- A cardboard box
- A long strip/roll of paper
- Glue
- Box-cutter
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Tape
- Chopsticks or pencils (for rolling your artwork)
- Old magazines, cards or photos to cut out figures, objects and places or you could draw your own design
How to Make a Samurai-inspired Helmet
Materials needed to create your own Samurai-Inspired Helmet:
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Glue/stapler
- Tape
- Clips to hold in place while fitting on for size
- Magazines, cards, cereal boxes or other old paper for decoration
How to Make Your Own Wonder Cabinet
Materials needed to make your own Wonder Cabinet:
- Cardboard cereal box
- Glue
- Scissors
- Scrap card/paper
- Pencil
- Paints & brushes
- Interesting objects for your wonder cabinet
How to Make a Thaumatrope!
Materials needed to make your own Thaumatrope:
- Card
- Scissors
- String
- Pencil
- Hole punch (not essential)
- Colouring pencils/markers/paints for drawing your design
If you make any of these fun craft projects, be sure to tag the National Museum of Ireland on their social channels:
- Facebook – @NationalMuseumofIreland
- Twitter – @NMIreland
- Instagram – NationalMuseumofIreland