Deepa & Anoop is a brand new animated series for preschoolers just launched on Netflix, which follows the adventures of a fun-loving Indian girl and her best friend, a baby elephant named Anoop.
It looks to be pure musical fun, with a strong focus on Indian heritage as it has been created by celebrated Bollywood animator Munjal Shroff.
Deepa & Anoop on Netflix
Deepa lives at her multi-generational family’s bed and breakfast called Mango Manor, while Anoop has a special feature – he is colour-changing baby elephant!
The pair call themselves the “concierges of fun” making it their mission to make sure Mango Manor guests have a happy stay.
With a Bollywood musical number in every episode, Deepa is the creator of music, mischief and merriment while working with the high-spirited Anoop helps her solve problems with creative solutions. They get up to plenty of shenanigans in the process!
Deepa & Anoop is also Mattel’s first-ever animated series based entirely on an original story and original characters.
The debut season has eleven 30-minute episodes, as well as two 22-minute specials.
Indian Heritage
With a strong focus on India and Indian heritage, Deepa & Anoop includes 18 original song and dance performances.
The cast is voiced by actors of Indian descent with Deepa voiced by Pavan Bharaj, Naani-ji played by Veena Sood of The Twilight Zone and Ana Sani from The Magic School Bus voicing Mama.